Thursday, June 3, 2010

I wish I was really Spanish...

So, I'm going to start with the first blog! It's weird to think I, Anne, am writing one...just so odd. Oh well, let me cut to the chase! I have been told I have a very...ethnic look. People say I look Indian, Greek, Egyptian, etc; when actually, I really have no ethnicity at all (unless you count one-sixteenth French...I don't). I'm just a white girl with dark features is all. But, I owe to God for giving me this "ethnic flavor" because that's probably the main reason I got casted as Lead Spanish in Ballet Theatre South's (forever more called BTS) 2008 production of the Nutcracker. Since then, I have gone Spanish crazy! I re-choreographed the dance for my school's talent show this year and during the recital, we danced to a song from Carmen! All this has made go on to Youtube frequently to find classical Spanish variations. It is seriously become a top researched subject, I kid you not.

Why? Simple: Spanish Variations look more fun! It is sultry, daring, and flirty....yet not really slutty. I love the attitude and the Spanish-esque moves! All of it can be soooo addicting! And have you heard the music?! I love all the trumpets and other Spanish-y sounds. None of it really sounds all that depressing, it all sounds pretty fun to me!

And let's not forget the props...9 times out of 10, you dance with a fan. I mean, despite having to learn how to use it properly while dancing, you are basically being given the okay to wipe--or should i say fan--the sweat off while doing a dance! Totally comes in handy. Also, the colors are generally red and black which, to me, really gets the audience's attention. And let's not forget the lace and the rose: which reiterates that whole sultry yet not slutty thing. Just a touch of it makes it look so very nice!

Now that it's summer, my trips to Youtube-topia are becoming a lot more frequent (being that I have no job or no summer dance classes to attend yet...). So I have decided to post a few of my favorite vids just for you!
(looove their mirroring fouettes! love it!)
(i HAAADDD to be a kitri variation...its a no brainer!)
(carmen...another no brainer! GOOD GRAVY HER FEET AND CONTROL ARE AMAZING! this is the song my class danced to..nowhere NEAR as good as this!)

So, in conclusion, I am so tempted to lie now when people think I am Mexican or Spanish because I really wish I was...why couldn't my parents have been Spanish diplomats or something? Hope you've enjoyed!

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