Saturday, June 5, 2010

"I wanna feel music to know what it taste like."

Brianna here! If you watched the premiere of "So You Think You Can Dance" this season, then you saw the black, deaf guy that auditioned. I sat there, texting Anne the whole show, critiquing each audition. Then, I saw him. At the end of his audition, I had chill bumps all over me and tears in my eyes. I don't know if it's the fact that I also have a high interest in the deaf and sign language or what, but I suddenly had a revelation after watching him dance. I suddenly realized that everything I have been dealing with in my head, everything that overwhelms me, that it was okay...because I have dance. I don't only dance because it's my passion or because I love praising God with my dancing. I dance because it's what makes sense to me. If I can just dance, I know that I'm okay. Everything suddenly becomes so clear and real to me when I dance. I face my problems when I dance. I face my fears. So if you're out there, no matter what you do, be it dance or not, never lose sight of why you do what you do. Always keep that inspiration alive, the fire. Learn to FEEL to know what it TASTE like.

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