Monday, November 22, 2010

Not having the feet, and accepting it

Brianna here! So I must applaud Anne. She has totally been dominating the blogs and doing an awesome job keeping up with it! I'll admit, she does a much better job at managing her time than I do. I'm learning! So please accept my apologies for my absence! But I'm back! Promise! This first semester of college has definitely been such a learning and growing process for me. I could cram everything I want to in this post like I want to, but I solemnly swear to not overwhelm you with awesomeness.
Like Anne stated, we have an interview with Jennifer, and on top of her unexpectedly telling me so many uplifting and encouraging things about my dance, we also discussed how I don't have the feet for classical ballet. I told her I had realized this late in the summer and that I had grown okay with it. We also discussed how she thinks that I could choreograph classical ballet pieces and even teach it. But performing it stresses me out to no end. The two point pieces I have been in made me look like this guy:
Jennifer also thinks that because I don't have the ominous stress of pointe lingering in the back of my head as I'm at the barre during ballet, that my ballet has improved! YAYYY!
My POINTE (pun 100% intended) in all this rambling is that, sometimes you just have to be real with yourself. Take a look at yourself and take a look at your feet. It's not the end of the world if you don't have the feet for pointe. There is still so much that you can do with dance!! So never be discouraged! If your body gives you limitations, look at what you can do differently (like Anne with her flexibility stretches) to improve yourself, or look at other things you can do that will still help you blossom your dance career and extend your passion even more! That's it for now! Promise to be back uber soon!
Procrastination, sleep deprivation, and rest,

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