Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stuff Dancers DONT Like

Brianna and I have just started school and have been thrown into a whirlwind of dance productions! It is so exciting and just where we want to be:) To be funny, I thought I'd make a list of what dancers DON'T like. Enjoy!

10. Not Being Able to Do Everything
Ok, this is so me. A lot of dance majors are doing choreography this semester, and I want to be in all of their pieces! They all seem like a challenge (emotionally and physically) and it is so sad that I can't be in all of them! But I know that I can't overload myself and I hate it! Darn you, BALANCE!
Which brings me to my next subject:

9. No Time
Just started school, and I am already involved in a number of pieces which means long rehearsals. My laundry hasn't been done and my room is a mess. Messy room+dirty clothes= mad Mama Beth. Oh, and even though my boyfriend and I go to the same college, I haven't seen him for like a week. All we have been doing is talking on the phone. So, No Time= Mad Mama Beth and Lonely Boyfriend.

8. Melting Water Bottles
So, I just got this new cute water bottle. I used it every day and I loooved it. My mom was trying to help me out and washed it in the dishwasher. I woke up to find that it had melted! So I had to buy some SmartWater because you just can't throw those bottles away!:)

7. The Gym
As a part of being a dance major, Jennifer (the director of the dance dept.) wants all dancers to do cross training. She does this so that we will become stronger and less likely to injure ourselves. I have to go to the gym 28hrs this semester. I know it's for good, but I still hate it. n I guess because I'm still scared I'm going to end up looking like some body builder...even though I've been told I will not.

6. Jobless....?
Before I start this one, I technically DO have a job. I teach dance for an hour once a week. But that's it. And I looooove it! Anyway, this is more so for the other dance majors:) Due to performances and rehearsals, it is hard for a lot of dancers to maintain school, dance, AND a job. I know some people do it, but I am not one of those people! One of my friends just had to quit her job so that she could participate more in the program. I guess it's BROKE artist before STARVING artist!;)

5. Not Getting a Certain Step
My problem is that I make steps too "pretty" or too "ballerina." SO FRUSTRATING! I try and I try and I still look like I belong in a tutu! It wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't in my modern or dance improv. class! I hope I will be able to transfer my steps to modern better....seriously.

4. Realizing You Need More Dance Supplies
I look at all the dance majors and see their cute supplies, and suddenly, a want turns into a need. A fellow dance major had these leg warmers that covered her whole leg and had a drawstring on them! I can't find a picture of them online but holy cow they were cute and would come in handy!

3. Not Remembering Steps or Timing in a Dance
Happens to me all the time. And I don't realize that I have missed a step until it's too late. Wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.

2. Physical Ailments
Trying to do ANYTHING with a physical injury is hard, but I often find it hard to be a dancer with such injuries. I am recovering from TWO right now: scratched cornea and pulled hamstring. With my scratched cornea, I can't wear my contacts, so I have to wear glasses while in dance class which becomes a problem. They get in the way and I have to take them off for partnering or spins. So bothersome.
On WebMD, it says to stop doing the activity that caused you to pull your hamstring. But I'm a dance major, I can't stop dancing ever! I enjoy it far too much. But come auditions, I have to dance full out which really hurts the next morning!
For your pleasure: I was really sensitive to the light at first, so this was what my eye doctor told me to wear until I was able to be in the light.

1. Pointe Shoe Damage
True Story: I was running to get out of the rain (which was like bullets of water) and one of my pointe shoes fell out on the road. I didn't realize this until I got home that night. The next day, my friend texted me saying that she found my pointe shoe. I ran to go meet her only to find that my poor shoe had been hit by a car. I have never been so upset in my life! Luckily, a fellow dance major accidentally ordered the wrong sized pointe shoe which just so happened to be my shoe and my size! HOLLA!:) But here is my poor, poor, poor pointe shoe who was hit:

Moment of silence please? ......thank you.

Well, I hope you were able to laugh a little and relate to this!
Hope you enjoyed!
Hugs, Kisses, and Uninjured Bodies!