Friday, January 7, 2011

Finding Balance

Hello everyone! My oh my how quickly time has been flying! Well this year my life is going to be completely insane! I thought I had done a super amazing job making an awesome schedule, but I'm already having conflicts! I have 22 credit hours, 3 jobs, and dance practices. The problem I'm having currently is that I can't be in certain dance pieces I was originally in because I'm working. It sucks SO bad. So now what I'm learning is that I may have a very organized schedule but, especially with dance/dance practices, certain parts of my schedule are going to fluctuate. So next semester I'll be more prepared to learn how to balance my schedule. The key to remember is that an organized schedule doesn't mean a balanced schedule. I honestly didn't take in the account of having harder classes meaning more homework and study time, or making sure I leave time to eat and sleep! So if you're like me and Anne and love to have a lot of stuff on your plate, make sure you're still well balanced to be able to SUCCEED in everything you've put on your plate! To well balanced lives and schedules!



  1. I´ve got the same problem... Having a well balanced schedule is a dream for me. Always in a hurry, and tired of course!
    Despite everything, I like it!!

  2. So true!! It's like we have some weird addiction to driving ourselves insane with crazy schedules!!! Good luck with your schedule!! Don't do TOO much (;
