Heyyy! We are ConnectionsDance. Pleasant to make your acquaintance. Anyway, we are both aspiring dancers who have a lottt of opinions about dance and we would LOVE to share them with you! Hope you enjoy our blog and...give us ideas to talk about! ...that'd be nice :]
Check out how much better my arabesques have gotten!
It's a small improvement but I'm stil happy with the results and will continue doing the exercises! Another thing i need to work on: ARMS!:) Hugs, Kisses, and Strong Backs! Anne:) (p.s.: what is it about the beach that just makes you want to dance?)
Brianna is right, we HAVE been busy! My brother got married, I went to the beach, and I'm preparing for college...oh yes, things have been a little busy:) But anyways, we are trying to get back to blogging regularly for all...six of our followers;)
OK! Back to the Summer Dance Intensive! We started off with a ballet technique class, which is one of my favorites:) My teacher, Leslie Hodges, focused on everyone's technique as well as everyone's performance during class. She really helped me see that a dancer should always perform, including class. Class is a great way to practice performing so that it will eventually come naturally to you. She also reminded me about the Laws of Circles when it comes to ballet arms. I'm telling you, she helped me a lot!
The next class we had was pointe/variation. No joke, I was always that girl who was like "YAY! POINTE CLASS!" I know, I'm crazy:) It was a hard class, but I tried to work through the pain by reminding myself that it was good for me. The teacher, Sarah Muncie, really pushed my limits but that's always good! I've eralized I really need to work on my lame ducks and pique turns. In that class, I learned three variations, Odette's Variation, Blue Bird Variation, and Kitri's Variation. I then had to try out for them on Friday to see which one I would perform for the Showcase at the end of the day. I know, I blogged earlier about how I wished I was Spanish, and I still do, but I really loved Odette's! And I was sooo excited when I found out that I was performing it!!!:) Here's the vid:(NOTE: I'm the tan one and I know it's rough. I hope I get another chance to perform it because I see all the mistakes I've made in this run-thru!
We did Contemporary as well and learned a dance to "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles, which is one of my favorite songs! As you will see in the video, it was quite the bruiser! I had tons of bruises from doing this dance. Chelsea Hodges, my teacher, was a great choreographer and I really enjoyed this dance a lot! Yay contemporary!(NOTE: i'm the one with the green shorts)
I also did some partnering which I was so excited for me because I have never really had the chance to do major partnering. It was very educational for me. Like Brianna said in her last blog about Romeo and Juliet, I had to learn how to work my body for my partner. It was fun:) Here's the vid and the biggest wedgie of my life!
OK! Now for the moment you've been waiting for: Peter Sabasino's classes! He was only there for Monday and Tuesday, but it was so much fun! He taught us tap, hip-hop, and some salsa! We did a vaudeville style tap piece which was a blast to perform! He taught me that in tap, you want to keep your knees bent and bottom out. Which is totally different from ballet. He was such a fun tap teacher! I really wished he could have been there for the whole week because maybe he would have taught me how to master wings!:) For hip-hop, we danced to "Fame" by David Bowie (love!). Not going to lie, I am not as ghetto as Brianna, but I tried! Hahahaha. It was so fun! We then learned some salsa and Brianna was my dance partner (NOTE: she was the guy! pahahahha) I have always wanted to take salsa and this was a good window into it. Someday, hopefully, I will because it is a lot of fun! Also, it will get me one step closer to being Spanish (ok..pseudo-Spanish) I wished I had videos of these pieces but unfortunately, all i have is this photo:
For the days that Peter was not there, we did musical theatre! I am a huge sucker for Broadway (obviously) so it was a blast! In my class, we did two songs from Chorus Line: "What I Did For Love" and "I Hope I Get It." For obvious reasons, I was the voluptuous girl in "I Hope I Get It." ;) I wished I had videos of these as well but my camera ran out of memory:( But just know that it was SUPER fun!
I must sound like a Positive Pollyanna in this because I keep on saying how much "fun" everything is, but it really was! And it was indeed painful (I pulled a muscle in my left hamstring..wah wah waaaaaaah) but it was totally worth it. I feel like I have really improved because of this intensive! And, yes, I did my back exercises during this week and I will hopefully be posting my improvement soon.
Hugs, Kisses, and Sore Muscles!
P.S.:Sorry this was so long, but recapping a week..takes a while! Especially if it was almost a month ago!:)
Brianna here! I'm soso sorry it's been a billion and one years since I've posted something. Anne and I have been pretty busy getting ready to start college and everything. Things are finally starting to slow down, and I have time to write! So at the beginning of July, I went to *sigh* New York...you need to know my heart is completely taken and it is aching for the Big Apple!!! While I was there I saw two shows: Mary Poppins (magical) and American Ballet Theater's Romeo and Juliet (no words). I'll start with Mary Poppins: Think of any fantabulous word and you just described Mary Poppins on Broadway. Not only do I absolutely love musical theatre, but of course I L-O-V-E the dancing. The choreography was absolutely astounding. I sat there bedazzled and in awe in my seat. I cheered, I clapped, whooped, and hollered...especially after the number, "Step In Time", an absolutely incredible tap number...did I mention Burt (played by Christian Borle)tap dances on the ceiling?!! Yeah, I know! Not to mention whenever I watched the number "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", I thought to myself, "How did the choreographer come up with that?!?" So incredible. One thing is for sure and that the choreographers on Broadway know what they are doing, and they are good at it...but then again, it IS BROADWAY!! I highly recommend the show! And then there was the American Ballet Theater production of "Romeo and Juliet." Though ABT did present it, it seemed to mainly be students from there school and summer programs. And though I didn't see any principal dancers such as..oh I don't know Gillian Murphy, the ballet was beyond incredible. Since "classy people don't woo" (which is what I told my father), I oohed and awed and repeatedly stated, "Oh that's so beautiful." over and over again. As always, not only did I sit in my seat and find everything that happened on stage unbelievably beautiful and impressive, but I was amazed by the choreography. It was so beautiful. For instance, when Juliet appears to be dead, her and Romeo are doing all these beautiful lifts. But, she has to maintain the appearance of being "asleep" while at the same time doing her job to keep her muscles tightened, and her feet pointed...it was just so amazing. If you ever have the opportunity to go see any type of professional ballet...GO! It will blow your mind...and make you want a ballet class right then and there. Well that's all I really have to say. I wish I could have been a little more articulate, but there's only so many words to describe the experience of Broadway, or a ballet! See you next time! Oh! And here's Ashley Brown as Mary Poppins in the number supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkHV6THFoDs I saw Laura Michelle Kelly (the original Mary on broadway) and a different cast but I didn't think you would mind!! [: Hugs and kisses, Brianna